Sunday 15 May 2022

Soggy Sunday!

Hello Woofers!

It's me again, Daisy Dog.

What happened?

Yesterday it was all sunshine and blue skies but today, clouds and even some of the wet stuff!

To celebrate this, Old Two Legs decided to play a tick on me and instead of Two Trees, a Bench and a 

Poo Bin, he produced this!

A Tree, a Bench, a Poo Bin and a Tree!

Going out with OTL can sometimes get very confusing!

Mind you, it was still cloudy!

There be rain in them there clouds.

Lunchtime the wind got up and at high tide the waves were making a noise that said I was to stay away from the water’s edge. Well, of course I am going to keep away from the crashing waves, do you think I'm stupid?

It was later in the day when we saw some Wormy Men chasing the worms on the mud flats!

Away from the sea wall we investigated the forest floor and found some Bluebells enjoying a brief shower of rain. It was then that OTL said he wished he'd brought his Macro Lens so he could get right in close to the petals.

You just can't beat an English Bluebell!

We met up with just one woofer at lunchtime and she wanted to go home but her Two Legs wanted to have a chat with OTL.

Standing there having a chat when the rain is dripping off the end of your nose is no fun!

So, that was it for the weekend, not a very exciting weekend but we did get some more weeding done in the garden and we saw two cats and one fox on the Trail Cam and it is still out in the garden so we can see what happens tonight!

Mind you, there is a forecast that we may get a thunder storm or two tonight!

Bye for now.


Daisy Dog.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. We had some sun here this morning and then it rained, not a lot, but every so often, when I thought it was safe to put my nose out the door, some more rain came along. Me and my mum had a nice snooze when she got home from work but apart from that, nothing much interesting or exciting happened. My mum is a bit miffed on account of our sky box has stopped working and now we have to wait until a new one is delivered. I'm off to the vets in the morning, I'm staying for the day while they give my teef a brush up and descale so that means I don't get any brekkie, well I'm not really happy about that but I might get lots of cuddles, wot won't make up for the lack of brekkie but I do like a snuggle with a lady. Smashing pictures today. Tell me Daisy who said you're stupid, I'll bite their butts with my nice clean sharp nashers if I get hold of them, you're a very clever woofer. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
