Friday 10 June 2022

I Love Fridays!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy de Dog here!

Well, it makes a change to sign in with a different name every so often!

Today has been fun, first of all we got down to the sea front to be met with, no one!

You know, like there was nothing there except the sea and a few birds!

Not a woofer to be seen!

Still, it made up for it by being warm and just a gentle breeze.

When we got to the point where we turn off and go through the trees, I saw Barny II and we had a quick sniff and that was it, gone!

On the last bit before the car park, we met up with the hooligans Jack and Bert. I am never sure which is which but today they decided to be all friendly to Old Two Legs and wouldn't leave him alone until they each got a tickle behind the ears and down to their tails!

I might be Jack, but on the other paw, I might be Bert!

I could be Bert but then again, I might be Jack!

In the end I gave up and snapped at one of them who was getting too close to my butt! I had warned them enough.

No Invite, No Sniff!

One day they may learn!

OTL noticed that the off side rear tyre was a little soft, like there was not enough air in the tyre. So, there was only one thing to do, straight down to the Tyre Man and get a new tyre fitted 'cos there was a nail sticking out of the tyre wall and unfortunately you can't repair the tyre wall.

So, after opening his wallet and saying 'Help Yourself' he arrived home sobbing his little tail off, OTL hates spending money if there is no return!

The Missus is off Glue Slapping tomorrow so I've got to look after OTL all day and that means helping him watch the F1 Racing!

It's a hard life!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy De Dog, Smashing pictures today. I reckon you're quite right to say no invite no sniff, I mean it's only polite to wait until you're invited. I had an early walk and met up with little Buster and Pip, we didn't hang around too long on account of it getting a tad warm. Alfie puggle arrived for the weekend this morning, he seems to have left his manners at home so I've been reminding him of the rules of the house. I keep a close eye on him in the garden to make sure he don't pinch any of it and my best toys are hidden away so he can't purloin them. I have to say he's slept most of the day. My mum got all excited when the postie Eric came and handed her a parcel. We're all off to bed early tonight cos of getting up at silly o clock tomorrow, Alfie won't like that. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Alf and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
