Wednesday 1 June 2022

Who's a Soggy Doggy!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

Another good day down here in North Kent, we have been enjoying the sunshine and balmy breezes.

Old Two Legs has got the video to work, well, it records and plays back on the recorder but it won't up load on the blog!

It seems that Canon have got their own format that Windows doesn't like and trying to change it over is a real nightmare!

The only thing he has achieved is to copy from recorder onto the computer and put it into a file.

OTL isn't very good with computers!

To overcome his total lack of understanding, this afternoon he took out the stills camera and tried to take all the photos again!

So, we start off with a Naval type ship sailing up the Thames, not sure what it's roll is but it still looks impressive!

OTL reckons it could be a supply ship going up stream to load up with stuff at Tilbury, but that is only a guess!

As the tide was close to high tide and the wind was light, that means I could get in for a deep paddle!

We couldn't find any sticks or lumps of twigs to throw out, so I had to suffer with running in and out of the water!

First, I'm out of the water.........

Then, getting brave I'm into the water!

Being at the conjunction of two rivers, it isn't salty in here and you can have a drink. It's just a little muddy!

If you don't want to go any further into the water you can get out and try to shake water all over OTL, just for fun!

Come on, get closer and I'll cover you with water!

Another good thing is that I can run and jump from one beach to the next although sometimes you have to tread all over the sea weed stuck to the steps!

Sometimes it's sniffy and sometimes it's slippy!

One of the good things is that once out of the water and over the hill you can get most of the water off by having a roll in the grass!

You can get most of the water off after a roll.

OTL has ordered up a couple of batteries for the camcorder but they have got to come from Germany so we reckon it could be ten to fourteen days before the turn up on our doorstep!

This afternoon OTL has been trying to change an MTS or VLC format in the camera to a .MP4 which is acceptable to Windows!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy (Soggy Doggy)

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Glad you managed to get your dip today. The weather here has been very changeable, first when I went out of the front door the sun was shining, then when I got up the road it started raining, so I headed for home as quick as I could. When I got home the sun came out again and it was quite warm, then it rained, then the sun came out, then it rained and so on and so on. At the moment the sun is out but I reckon I can sniff rain coming. Now last night, me and my mum were just doing the pre bed jobs when my boy came down to make a snack, anyways, he upset me. My mum said she was just going to pop in the bathroom and do you know wot he said, do you know, he said, Q for Arch to start crying until you come back .......... wot a cheek. Sometimes I could go off him. Smashing pictures today Daisy. I hope OTL gets his stuff sorted without too much bother. I've got my paws crossed that the sun comes out and stays out all day tomorrow. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
