Thursday 21 July 2022

A day of balls and paddles!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, back again!

This morning we were out down to the sea front and drove through some puddles in the road. That means it rained last night but we were so fast asleep that we didn't even know it was raining!

Mind you, it has been overcast today, warm but overcast. 

On our way to the sea front, we could look back to see the cranes pointing left to right and with a little fiddly diddly we could see them all.

There is nothing like a bit of Fiddly Diddly!

Mind you, looking out to sea you could tell it was going to be another warm day!

You know, The Missus is trying to duplicate these colours, but she's not a good as Old Two Legs!

I don't bother with the colours, I'm more interested in finding a ball that OTL and I can play with!

OK, come and get it if you can!

 We had a great time with him kicking or throwing it and me chasing it to hide it in the long grass!

Best of all was when I tried to hide it in the water!

Get down and stay down!

Needless to say, it wouldn't and as much as could do to plant it, it still floated!

I do like walking in the forest, all the trees cast a shadow over the path and the temperature drops down a couple of degrees or so!

I do like the forest glade.

When we went to the beach again at lunchtime, I couldn't find the ball, I had left it in a safe place where I could find it. 

Then, just as I was getting ready to give up, there, right in front of me was this Boarder Terrier looking all please with himself for finding a ball!

I couldn't show off 'cos it wasn't my ball to begin with but I shall be looking for that tomorrow when I return!


Just wait, I'll find it tomorrow!

 Archie was asking what jollop the vet had given me, well to bung me up it was ProKolin, which didn't seem to do any good at all but I'm now on an Oral Suspension which seems to be working.

Another couple of days we should get results, mind you, OTL inspects my poo and said this morning’s effort was looking good!

I'm glad I got my own poo inspector, you know, that vet stuck his finger where the sun doesn’t shine then looked at it and declared there was no blood, then he sniffed it!

I thought it was just woofers who did that!

See you all tomorrow!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I tell you them vets don't care where they stick their fingers, I mean, I'm quite used to it, well I was but now since I had my big operation they haven't been sticking them where the sun don't shine. I used to have prokolin, then I got this powder stuff wot can go on yer scoff or mixed with water and poked in yer mouth, that seemed better than the prokolin, mainly cos I didn't like stuff squirted and most used to miss or I'd dribble it out. Anyways, glad to hear that OTL was pleased with your offering this morning. I hope he gave you a gold star. Smashing pictures today, wot a little tealeaf that woofer is to nick yer ball even if it's not yer ball. We had a little bit of rain in the night but not enough to leave a puddle. We've been thinking it might rain today but then it doesn't My mum and my boy went out for lunch today and left me and puggle at home then they both came home stuffed to the gills and my mum had a siesta on the sofa, so I joined her. There was loads of little frogs round the garden last night, I think they were all looking for a bit of rain, my mum had to be careful where she put her plates otherwise she might have squashed them. They all seemed up for a game of sniff and hop, one of them even tried chasing me by hopping at my nose and making me sneeze. My boy liked the card I knocked up for him and we all sang to him this morning. Take care, stay cool and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, puggle (peepot) and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
