Friday 22 July 2022

We got rain!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well, here comes the weekend and what a start! First there was the clouds and then there was the cool wind blowing through the trees.


Now, it was so cold that Old Two Legs had to put on a jacket to keep him warm!

It wasn't really cold; it was just that the loss of a few degrees made everything chilly in comparison to the last week!

One good thing is that there were no grass fires around here. Mind you we have the weekend and there is always the possibility that there will be some of those portable BBQ that the Two Legs cook up sausages on. Let’s hope they are sensible and don't set fire to the benches or the grass!

One cigarette or a BBQ and this could go up like some of the fires in France!

Good news on my tummy, OTL has been inspecting my poo and says it is 'healthy', whatever 'Healthy' is!

This weekend we have the F1 Racing in France, it should be fun!

We had a visit this morning from a couple of lads who installed a new loft ladder so OTL don't fall off when climbing up into the loft. Now normally when OTL goes up into the loft I go with him but I'll leave it for a few days to see how he gets on before risking my tail on the climb!

I'm off to see the F1 Practise now.

See you tomorrow.

Bye, bye,



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well that's very good news about your tum. Now a perfick poo as far as I can tell is the right colour, the right consistency and the right shape and the right sniff...... see my mum studied poo years ago when she worked at the vets, she used to look at it under microscopes, personally, I reckon just seeing one on the grass is enough of a look for me. But we're all pleased that OTL is pleased and that you don't have a sore tum or butt. We've had a quiet day here on account it's still very warm so me and puggle have been snoozing while my mum did a stack of ironing for my boy, all his new uniforms arrived so they needed the creases taken out, I did offer to lay on them but my mum declined my very generous offer. Then my mum gave my boy a grooming with the clippers, me and puggle kept right out of the way in case she got carried away. I think you're very wise not to climb the ladder until OTL has tested it out a few times, just in case. Smashing pictures. Hope you enjoy the racing. My boy is back at work tomorrow so that probably means we'll get woken up when he's getting ready to go, he can be very noisy shutting doors. My boy mumbled something about treating to a take away tonight. We're keeping our paws crossed for some rain here cos the grass is very prickly on our paws. Take care, stay cool and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, puggle the piddle and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
