Sunday 17 July 2022

A Relaxing Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy the Hot Dog is here again!

My hasn't it been warm today! You know we heard that tomorrow and the day after it is going to get seriously hot and we are all banned from frolicking in the hot sun cos we might get sun stroke!

I think that means we could get burnt by the sun!

First thing today there was a gentle breeze blowing but it was still hot. The sunrise was warm as we went down to the sea front.

You know, I'll be glad when it gets cooler in the morning!

First thing we saw this morning was Eric and his new mate who we thing is called something like Myrdal, we think it may be Russian! Old Two Legs has a problem understanding his Two Legs, so we will get him to ask again!

Along the sea front we met up with Barny II who is a funny sort of Doodle Dog. 

Barny II just loves OTL but gets jealous when his TL gives me a stroke. In fact, he rushes back to his TL and woofs at him to give him a stroke!

Then he rushes back to OTL for a stroke and a tickle on his tail!

........................and leave my TL alone!

Barny II does it every time but now I'm up to his tricks and wait for him to head back to OTL before I let his TL tickle my neck!

It winds him up every time!

The rest of the day has been sort of lazy and not doing much. 

I've been out for a walk over the football ground and the old golf course but it has been just too hot to do anything!

You all keep safe tomorrow and the day after and I'll do the same!

Bye for now.


Daisy Dog.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. It's been stifling here. Puggle and me have been laying either side of the fan and air cooler to keep cool. We didn't have roast doors for dinner, you'll be pleased to know. My mum brought home some more foil and put it up at some of the other windows so the house has been quite cool but we're all wondering if it will be enough for tomorrow. My boy went to work and he brought me home another present, he bought me home a really posh fan wot cost him lots of dosh, my mum is a bit jealous. We've made a plan for tomorrow, we're going to have a Star Trek day so we'll all be down in the living room, I reckon my mum will have us all tied to the furniture to stop us taking off in the wind from the fans. We might even need weighted boots. Smashing picture of you today, shame that doodle dog got in the way a bit. Take care, stay safe and cool tomorrow all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, puggle and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
