Thursday 14 July 2022

This haircut is Drafty!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy de Dog back again!

First thing in the morning I check the clock to see if it is time to wake Old Two Legs and get him going.

That's normal but of late we have a problem. The batteries in the bedside clock have died and we don't even get a warning BAT flashing on the screen.

It has its advantages though.

I can jump up on the bed and give his ear a good licking and wake him up, not knowing what the time is, he gets up and starts the day. This means I can get him up a good hour and a half earlier than he would have done if he had three AAA batteries in his clock!

Mind you, he gets his own back by photographing me in my new haircut!

No, don't, it's embarrassing!

Not that he stops, he just keeps clicking away! I mean, just look at me, you can see right through me and back again!


 I deliberately got out an hour earlier just so I didn't run into ant of the lads. 

Just my luck, I ran into the hooligans and got laughed all the way through the forest!

  I don't believe it! I mean, just look at you!

 Trouble with OTL, he has no feeling for the shame that is heaped upon my head!

See you tomorrow!




  1. Yo Daisy. Well I think you look lovely and if any of them hooligans laugh and I hear them, I'll chew their tails off. I suppose I'd better keep my paws crossed that my mum doesn't get the clippers out while Old puggle's mum is on holiday. Thank goodness it's been a bit cooler today, mind puggle has slept most of the day, snoring and grunting, the things I have to put up with. I've had a fairly lazy day on account of my mum spending most of it flinging the glue and gassing on zoooooooom. Smashing pictures of you, you always look beautiful to me. I'm off for a bit of scoff and then I think I'll put my paws up. Take care, stay cool and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, puggle and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Nice new haircut Daisy. Short for the summer - perfect in this flipping hot weather innit? xxx

  3. I KNEW you would be a Daisy and OTL follower. I do so love this 'diary', even with the sad times over so many years and have shed a good few tears along the way - as well as loved the happy times of course. Life through the eyes of darling Daisy! And OTL of course!

    Di xx
