Friday 8 July 2022

What a start to the weekend!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well, you know how it is sometimes, you get a sniff of something that is newish and stick your tongue out expecting a zippy twang up your tongue and as soon as you have done it you know you have done the wrong thing!

Three days ago, I got that feeling.

Since then, I have managed to poo with great accuracy through the eye of a needle without touching the sides!

I have also managed to keep Old Two Legs and The Missus awake at night with my need to get out in the garden at two, three and four thirty.

Yesterday OTL called the vet and made an appointment for this morning to get inspected!

I was pushed, poked and felt the thermometer go places where the sun doesn't shine, ever! 

As a result, I got a big bag of pills, lotions and a prescription together with instructions on when I'm supposed to eat, lick and swallow this bag of jollop!

OTL got a big bill that made a gigantic hole in his credit card!

Walking was a bit of a strain, when it was my turn to have a walk, I would have a wee and a poo, turn around and head back to the car all ready to go home, get into my bed and feel sorry for myself!

I hope that by tomorrow I will be feeling better and the bag of potions will be working their magic!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, sorry to hear you had to go to the vets, them thermometers are quite cold when they stick them where the sun don't shine, I'm not keen on that myself. I mean, as far as I'm concerned it's a one way street. Hope you're feeling better very soon, it's not nice having to get out of your pit to go for a poo in the night. Well Alfie puggle has arrived, he arrived in a woofer pushchair ........ oh the shame. Still I suppose if he goes for walks in the push chair at least he can't embarrass me by pooing in the street. I might have a go in it round the garden later. I'll let you know if it does wheelies .............. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I don't know that I would trust my mum to drive it, she had trouble pushing it through the kitchen, she couldn't get it to go in a straight line. I'll get my boy to get her some L plates. It's been quite warm here today so I went for a very early walk, then I sent my mum out to cut the grass, then she did a few more jobs. We've got to get up early tomorrow on account of my mum going to work, Alf don't like getting up early. Take care, get well soon and have a good evening all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Alf and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Bit late in commenting - but hope you're fully recovered now Daisy xxx
