Wednesday 24 August 2022

First it's hot then it's even hotter!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again!

Strange how the temperature keeps going up and down! Take this morning, I woke up and decided it was time for Old Two Legs to get up. So, a cold wet nose in his lug hole got him mumbling and grumbling and threatening me with all manner of nasties!

Not that I was worried, first thing in the morning OTL is as fast as a dead mosquito!

By the time we got down to the sea wall he was still half asleep and the clouds were hardly moving!

Not exactly the best view from Sheerness!

The clouds were rather thick and it really looked like it was in for the day. There was a little bit of sun shine but not enough the get excited about!

It looks all moody and dull!

By the time lunchtime came around the sun was up, the sky was blue and the temperature was a god three or four degrees warmer than yesterday!

I did my trick of collapsing onto the grass and saying that it was better than walking, but that was only until I saw that the tide was in!

One good thing about the water is it cools yer down a treat!

Now there are plans to chop the masts off the SS Montgomery, the ship full of bombs an’ stuff that goes bang!

I spotted this barge thingy with a large crane mounted on it but it didn't stop at the ship and instead kept on going out to sea!

I think they are supposed to be having a go next month.

I don't mind them chopping the masts off, it's the dropping of the bombs I don't fancy!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy Dog.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been hot here today all day, too warm for me to go out this morning so I'll be going later when it's a bit cooler. I was watching the glue flingers flinging the glue and gassing, boy can they gas. Now my mum gave me my worming tablet yesterday, I spat it out a few times before she cut it in half and gave it to me with a treat, honestly, she should know by now I don't take it without some sort of little treat. Smashing pictures today, hope you enjoyed your dip and washed your paws when you got home, I've been reading about wot floats in the sea these days. I'm going to have a lazy evening until my walkies time. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
