Thursday 25 August 2022

Rain, but not as we know it!

Hi Woofers1

Daisy de Dog here!

We have been expecting some rain for the last few days but it never arrived, until this morning.

It started when we were almost at the end of our morning walk. However, that didn't stop the clouds gathering up and waiting for us!

Once we got past the Poo Bin it started to gather, although the wind was just a gentle breeze!

Over in the distance we could see some red clouds on the horizon, it looked like Essex was getting a wash down!

Rain or is it on fire?

Back over here the clouds were making strange patterns in the sky, I was looking out for the spout coming down from the cloud!

But I didn't see one!

Back at the car the clouds were looking even more dramatic but still no water spout from the clouds!

It was back at the car the rain started and it wasn't really raining until we got in doors.

As soon as we got in it was a case of run around shutting the windows before we got flooded!

It didn't stop raining until lunchtime and even then, it was still spitting, but I needed a wee so we went out and managed to wee over all the usual spots!

It didn't stop raining really, just sort of drips from the trees!

Let's hope tomorrow will be better!

Bye for now.


Daisy de Dog!


  1. Yo Daisy. Well we woke up in the night and heard the rain but we turned over and went back to sleep. We got up quite early and it was still tipping down. I declined a walk and waited until it eased off a bit before I went out for a wee. Brenda phoned and she said there was a storm last night but we didn't hear it, she said there was thunder and lightening, but I must admit, even though we had the windows wide open neither me or my mum heard any thunder and we didn't see any flashes. It rained most of the day here so we snuggled up on the sofa and had a nice siesta. It's stopped raining now but it's still very warm here. Hope you didn't get wet when you went out. Take care and stay safe, warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Yes - that is a very black sky. Sorry you got wet, but I'm sure OTL's lap was nice and cosy and warm afterwards! xxx
