Monday 22 August 2022

We're Back Again!

Hi Di Ho Fans!

It's Daisy back again!

Well now, you know we have had visitors over the weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday!

So, I’ve not had time to do the blog, but now we are back I can catch up with the news!

On Friday I met up with Bella, I hadn't seen her for some time and it was good to catch up with the sniffs!

'Gasometers' in the sunrise!

When we got to the woods the sun was shining through the grass and thorn bushes and looked rather pretty!

Well, that's it for today, OTL has run out of drinking whisky and will have to open a bottle of 'Cask Strength Malt' if he wants a slurp tonight but I think he will pass on that for a couple of evenings!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Smashing pictures Daisy, specially the ones of you, I liked the one of Mrs TM as well. I don't know if you forgot to put the captions in between the pictures or if your visitors wore you out so you were too tired to type. I did miss reading your adventures though. I've had a lazy few days, nothing exciting happened here except I had visitors on Friday, Brenda and Milly came down to see me and have a cup of coffee and cuddles. Poor OTL running out of the fire water, perhaps Santa Paws will bring him some if he don't go on strike like wot everyone else is. Paws crossed he don't cos us woofers haven't done anything to upset him. Take care, stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fun to have new playmates for a few days! Lovely photos xxx
