Friday 28 October 2022

A sunny day!

 Hello Woofers!

It's me again, Daisy Dog!

At last things are falling into place. Yesterday I got stabbed by a vet which scared the pants off me and I was sick after escaping from the Consultancy Room!

I wasn't feeling too good but it was Old Two Legs who had to clear it all up!

by the time we got back home it was getting on for nine and I was not in a good mood, in fact I was shivering and shaking and feeling in a right state!

In fact, I jumped up on the bed and snuggled between OTL and The Missus and shook myself to sleep.

By the time morning arrived I was back to normal!

Of course, it was late by the time we got out for a walk but I did meet some of the lads I had missed these past weeks.

As we headed down to the sea wall, we spotted a flat-bottomed barge that had run aground on the mud flats. In fact, it was still there at lunchtime!

Who is going to tell the captain?

It may still be warm but the fungi are still blooming in the wet grass. I've not found any of the Fly Agaric stuff; I suppose I'll have to wait until I get into the forest before seeing them.

There are loads of these fungi, not sure what it's called but it can grow to a large dinner plate size!

Walking along the sea front OTL met up with a new woofer who went by the name of 'Queenie'.

Of course, OTL had to stop to say hello and of course she was all over him like a rash! Why is it of course, that OTL always manages to end up tickling their tails?

Come on OTL, tickle my tail again!

As the tide was in, I just couldn't resist a deep paddle, If I had a stick I might even had gone in for a swim!

Heading down to the car park I was snuffling through the undergrowth looking for the Fly Agaric fungi but I didn't have any success, all I found were rotting leaves!

Here Fungi, Fungi, Fungi!

Back home we got a call from the vets saying that they were not going to give me a six-month supply of pills, I have to put up with just three months!

OTL was up there like a shot and managed to get home and order the supply on the Internetty Thingy before they packed up for the weekend.


F1 Racing this weekend so you can guess what we will be doing!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. well I am sorry to hear you were dirty dick yesterday but at least you did it in the right place, always nice to leave a tip for good service I reckon. Them vets work it out that the more they see you the more dosh they collect, I have to go every 3 months to get my tablets, mind, if I'm seen within the month then my mum doesn't need to take me, she can just ring them and ask for more tablets. Smashing pictures today, hope you enjoyed your dip. I've had a bit of a busy day and I sent my mum out to cut the grass and clear up the leaves but she reckons by tomorrow, there'll be loads more leaves again. My mum had to be careful when she was doing the garden on account we've got lots of frogs around the garden but she came in and said she'd seen a few hopping off in disgust at being disturbed with her big rakey thingumyjig and she didn't run any over with the mower, I was relieved on account of they're my little mates. We're off to bed soon cos it's a work day tomorrow so I'll have to be on guard duty. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
