Wednesday 26 October 2022


Hello Woofers

Daisy here!

Have I had some fun today!

After coming back from the morning walk Old Two Legs loaded the big car up with photographic stuff including a tripod and his 'Tilt/Shift' lens and one of the big cameras.

Now I know we were heading off to a place called Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest, whatever that is!

But when we got there, car parking £14, all I could see were trees.

Loads and loads of trees! You know a woofer could end up wee'd out before he'd gone a hundred yards!


There were trees everywhere but there was another problem, Mini Two Legs!


There were thousands and thousands of them! OTL hadn't planned this trip very well, he should have known that you don't go out of the house when the schools break up for a holiday!


Here are a some of the photos OTL managed to get, without a hoard of MTL climbing up the trees or falling in the lakes!


There now, not too bad except we got lost and walked miles back to the Visitor Centre £4.50 for a cheese sandwich and £3 each for a bottle of Diet Pepsi!

It was a good job I brought my biscuits with me!

OTL wasn't happy with the photos, 'Bad Light' was all he kept saying, I wonder what it would be like in Spring Time?

Hope you like the trees, a real Doggy Heaven!


Daisy (Wee’d Out!)


1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, £14 to park is daylight robbery, especially when you think that you went round and watered all their trees for nothing, I mean, £14 buys a lot of woofer treats. Smashing pictures though. It is a good job you took your biscuits with you otherwise you might have starved. I had a bit of a grumbly tum in the night, I woke my mum up just before 2 and told her I needed a trip to the garden, then we went back and got warm and snuggly in bed, but just before 3, when my mum had got back to sleep, I woke her up again and told her I needed another trip to the garden, I must admit, she didn't say much just sort of mumbled about it being cold and dark. I'm alright now though but who can say if I might need a trip to the garden during the night tonight. I went for a walk this morning but I could sniff rain in the air so I didn't hang about and decided I would cut my walk short and go and catch up on the zzzz's I missed during the night. Glad you all had a nice day out. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
