Monday 31 October 2022

Back to work again!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well now, I don't know about you but this messing about with the clocks disturbs my sleep pattern almost all the way until it changes again in Spring Time!

Take this morning, there I was fast asleep when suddenly I get this urge to get up even though it's still dark. So, thinking I'm late, I jump up and give Old Two Legs ear a good bashing and run-down stairs so I can get out in the garden for an early morning wee!

I look at the clock on my way through the kitchen and see it's an hour earlier than my body clock says it is!

So, back to bed, after a wee, say sorry to OTL and try to get back to sleep for an hour!

OTL couldn't get back to sleep and ends up getting up ten minutes earlier, walking into the bedroom door on his wat to get a shower!

We did how ever see a little sunrise!


Well, technically it's a sunrise but not what I would call spectacular!

The afternoon was better, well, at least I could see the grass and the sea! OTL brought the tennis ball and we had a game of ‘Chase' and of course I ran after the ball but picked it up, ran on further, stopped, did a wee on it and left it for OTL to pick up!

Well, the balls back there but it's a little damp!

There seems to be a lot more of the small fungi hiding in the grass, poking their heads up through the wet grass. It looks like the big dinner plate sized ones have all got chopped up in the grass mowing machine!

There is this type.

....and there is this type which looks like the last one!

We went through the forest looking for fungi but could only find leaves with that black fungi on the leaves that appears just before the leaves get soaking wet and rotten!

Still, the trees look pretty and it won't be long before the leaves all drop.

OTL has been playing on the computer, end of the month stuff and he is wondering why the supplier hasn't sent the invoices!

Sounds like fun!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I know exactly wot you mean about the hour, it mucked up my scoff times and as you know I don't like my scoff times being mucked up. Smashing pictures today, love the one of you. We had lots of toadstools and things in the garden but they got chopped up when my mum cut the grass last week. We've had a busy day with lots of domestic engineering here but I went for a walk first. It was a tad boring but I decided to go on a different route so that made a change and there were some new sniffs around. Tonight there seems to be lots of mini TL's running round, they better not call here for scoff cos any scoff wots going is mine. I'm off for a snooze so stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
