Sunday 23 October 2022


 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well, it's been one of those wet days but first thing this morning it looked like the world was about to come to an end.

This was because the clouds were low and black. It started to rain about half way around the walk so once again it was a case of 'Speed Weeing' back to the car!

After the Food Man had dropped off the supplies for next week Old Two Legs got one of the gigantic chicken chews out of the cupboard and offered it to me. Now, I just love these chews and I must admit I went a little potty the moment I saw it!

All morning I stayed in the office with OTL, chewing on my chew and having a super time nibbling at the chew covered in baked chicken!

Lunchtime we were out again and only because OTL saw a 'window' in the rain. It was funny that we saw a number of other woofers out taking a walk, they were also making use of the 'window' as well!

It was lucky we got back to the car in time 'cos it started to rain again on the way back home! Looking out the window now the sky is blue but the wind is blowing enough to bring the next band of rain rushing in!

I'm off to carry on nibbling my chew!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well we've had trenchall rain here again today, this morning and tonight. Tonight we even had some lightning, it was like lightning I've never seen before but no thunder. Do you know, it rained so hard this evening that it was even managing to get in at my back door. It's stopped for now so I've just popped out to do a quick wee, I didn't even stop to see if any of the frogs wanted to come in and get dry. I heard all the wimmin gassing today on zooooooom again. I heard you asking Mrs TM to uncover your dinner and then for a treat when you'd eaten it all up. Are you going to save a bit of your chew to munch while the racing is on? Take care, stay safe, warm and dry all and enjoy the racing, I'm off for another snooze. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
