Sunday 16 October 2022

How's your ribs OTL?

 Hi Woofers.

Daisy Dog here!

Now then, you know I didn't upload Daisy's Diary yesterday, well, there's a very good reason.

I was playing Daisy the Nurse!

You see, yesterday, Old Two Legs was all dressed up and ready to take me out for my lunchtime walk.

OTL came down the stairs, got to the bottom stem and managed to trip then fall down the last step and bang into the wall.

Oh! Golly Gosh quote OTL as he managed to ram his shoulder into the wall and at the same time hit his rib cage into the wall and hurting himself!

It was a while before he got up and even then, he was in pain. He didn't think he had broken any ribs, more than likely bruised or twisted them. No blood pouring out of his mouth, so, no punched lung. Just hurting time!

I fed him some Co--Codamol tablets and which eased the pain and a couple more before bed time, which allowed him to get to sleep!

This morning the sunrise didn't happen, well not much, and all we got was an almost cloudless sky!

We could have done with some more cloud!

We met up with Eric and his mate whose name sounds like Mierd but I am sure I've got it wrong!

On the way home OTL stopped to take a shot of the cranes who are building the gas containers, it won't be long before they are finished.

OK, I'm off to give OTL another lick on his head and try to make it better for him!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well wot a good job you were there to look after OTL, I hope he's recovered from his nasty bangings. I often wonder how these TL's if they had 4l's, seems to me they have enough trouble working 2 without getting them mixed up. Did you ring Mrs TM and get her to come home and check him out? I know wot it's like when my mum goes flying, the air is blue and all you can do is lick them better when they get up. Smashing photos today, that sunrise looks good. I've had a lazy day on account of getting up at silly o clock and being on guard duty when my mum went out. We've had a nice siesta and been lounging on the sofa watching some telly. No excitement here today but sometimes it's nice to have a quiet day. Paws crossed that OTL is feeling much better after all your nursing. Take care, stay safe and warm all and watch out for them nasty stairs. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
