Monday 7 November 2022

Guess what? It's been raining!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again!

I bet you are all wondering what the weather has been like today?

Oh, hes you do!

One look at the early shot and you can see the rain heading towards the ground!

Well, there's no sun and the rain is heading out towards the east of Kent!

We met up with those greyhounds who seem to love Old Two Legs as they always hang around to get a stroke and a sniff. Well, OTL gives them a stroke under the chin and the other one tried to sniff my butt!

No one sniffs my butt unless invited!


Come on, gissa stroke!

Tomorrow we are going to try another lens 'cos this one seems to have a problem with the auto focus!

As soon as they left us Lexy and his mate arrived and of course they both said hello to OTL and of course asked for a stroke as well!

Come on, gissa stroke!

Once again, we got home before the rain started and enjoyed a super snooze under the desk! 


Lunchtime we were out again and this time we went through the meadow only to find that some bozo with poo for brains had kicked the fungi to pieces, just as they were getting to the point of a full bloom!


Near to the Two Trees the ring of fungi is hidden in the under growth so it doesn't attract the bozos!

We still can't find the red fungi, so far, we have found white, cream, yellow and brown but no red!

Well, I'm off to have an afternoon snooze under the desk which should set me up for a good night’s sleep!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well guess wot, it's been raining here most of the day as well. I just absolutely refused to go out for a walk this morning on account of it was raining, cold and dark. I prefered to stay in and snuggle down on the sofa. My mum had quite a few jobs to do so I supervised from the sofa. This afternoon we had a nice snuggle together on the sofa while we watched a bit of telly. I'm off to the vets tomorrow for a check up but it's a late appointment so we'll be going there and back in the dark. My boy has got the next 2 days off so we'll all be able to have a nice lay in instead of having to get up in the dark. It's a shame someone spoiled your toadstools. Smashing pictures today, I bet all them woofers would form a queue for a scratch under their chins from OTL. I think I'll go have a little nap before scoff time. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Wet here too! Managed a quick walk in the dry tho! Nice pics of the local dog mafia! X
