Sunday 6 November 2022

Down came the rain!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well now, what a day it's been!

Rain over night, puddles everywhere, rain this morning, rain at lunchtime and rain this afternoon!

Mind you, as Old Two Legs said, we haven't had any real rain for a couple of years, so it makes a change to get the reservoirs topped up.

We met up with some of the lads first thing this morning having a chase about but it wasn't the same because of the rain. You know it's not much fun having a trickle of rain run down your tail!

As you would expect, there was no sunrise, just grey clouds and the wet stuff.

As a treat, I got my bedding returned to me and OTL made up my bed again and filed it with the blankets and OTL's old jumpers. Now I can curl up and snuggle down under the desk all warm and comfortable!

As you would expect, OTL left the camera at home so that it doesn't get wet in the rain so no pictures today!

Maybe tomorrow if we are lucky!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well wot a miserable wet day it's been here as well. Puggle went home this evening, I was waving him off and breathing a sigh of relief. He don't half make a lot of noise for a woofer wot sleeps most of the day. Me and my mum had another bear hug snuggle when she got home from work and we were enjoying our cosy snooze when puggle woke us up with his licking. There's still lots of whizz bangs going on tonight even though it's still raining and cold out. I'm looking forwards to snuggling up with my mum on the sofa for a lazy night of telly watching. Glad you've got a nice snuggly bed to curl up in and keep warm. Take care and stay safe and warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, no puggle and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
