Tuesday 27 December 2022

Bank Holiday?

Hello Woofers!

Daisy back again!

You know these Two Legs have a funny way of doing things. I mean, take today, instead of going back to work they decide to have an extra day’s holiday.

What do they call it?

Bank Holiday!

Just how behind the times can you get?

Nowadays you can access your bank account on the Internetty, pay people, apply for a loan, check your customers have paid you and do a mountain of other things.

So, why call it a Bank Holiday as if the bank has closed down for the day?

Right daft I call int!

Be honest, call it a, Skive Day Off!

Old Two Legs was up at the crack of dawn, then, after he had his shower, he decided to go back to bed 'cos it was too early!

Needless to say, he finally rolled out of bed late and we missed the sunrise!

Not sure if the sunrise is under or over the horizon!

 I saw a couple of woofers in the distance but none close enough to say hello.

Lunchtime was better, there was this bozzo who only wanted to chase after the ball but only if you kicked it. If you picked the ball up and threw it, she would just sit down and look at you and refused to run after it!

Some of these woofers can be right daft!

Now, take these two, as potty as a box of shrimps, they get let off their leads and come chasing up towards OTL and I.

One jumps over the top of me while the other jumps up at OTL and acts like he hasn't seen OTL for a year!

OK, who has the first sniff?

Heading towards the forest we saw a gas ship coming in to unload another load of natural gas.

You know it had to have four tugs pushing and shoving to get it in safely?

It must have all gone off well cos there were no explosions!

Back to work for OTL tomorrow, paperwork!

By for now.




1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing pictures today. Some woofers are daft though. I just had a visit from one of the woofers wot lives 2 doors down from me, his brother decided it was too far to walk in the rain but Monty was a bit braver so he came and fell asleep next to my sofa while his mum and my mum were gassing. They bought my mum an Xmas pressie cos she lets them park one of their cars on our drive. It was nice to have a visit although I sat on my mums lap most of the time so Monty couldn't, cos it's MY mum. I don't blame OTL for going back for a lay in, I reckon my mum would go back if it wasn't for me needing my brekkie and a wee. My boy went back to work today, I reckon he would have liked to have had another day off. It's been raining here on and off most of the day so I decided I'd prefer not to go for a walk and did my speed weeing in the garden, then back in to get warm and snuggly on the sofa. Take care, stay safe and warm and don't work too hard tomorrow. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
