Wednesday 28 December 2022

Tax or not to tax!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well, it's been wet today, first thing this morning it was raining and we got wet, in fact we got very wet!

Once back home Old Two Legs decided to talk to the HMRC about the income tax form he sent in but not received the tax demand.

First, he hung onto the telephone ringing away and playing a recorded message about hanging on 'cos 'We really want to talk to you' After thirty-eight minutes he gave up and went off to make breakfast.

Then when he got back on the phone again, he waited another hour and twenty minutes before a human voice picked up the phone.

OTL explained that he had sent the tax form back but had not had any tax demand. The girl at HMRC said that they had received the tax return thank you.

So, says OTL, how much do I owe?

Sorry says the girl, I can't tell you that 'cos it is private information.

Well says OTL, can you send me a statement?

Yes, says the girl but it will take three weeks!

OTL asked her why they haven't sent a demand and she says that OTL has to ask for a statement before they will send one.

OTL says that if he hasn't asked for a tax statement how will he know how much to pay the HMRC?

You will have to read the Tax Calculation to find that information! 

By this time OTL is crying and has asked for the first Self-Assessment: Tax Calculation which will hopefully show the two amounts he has paid on account and the balancing payment he paid last January!

OTL says that talking to the Tax Office is like talking to chickens........a load of cluck!

See you tomorrow, hopefully with some photos!




  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been a wet, cold miserable day here today. A day for speed weeing again, I reckon I could get a gold medal in the woofer olympics. My mum has been feeling a tad tired today so we've had a lazy day and I let her have a little siesta this afternoon, mind I did keep telling her the time so she didn't forget how long left she had to siest before she'd have to put my scoff out. Now I hear Mrs TM feels a bit dirty dick, has she been scavenging on the walks? You know we only get the grumblies when we've been sniffing gone off sniffs. Brenda is feeling much better. Now my mum avoids the tax office unless she wants to complain. My mum reckons they're all a sandwich short of a picnic there. Tell OTL if they don't ask for money from him, to wait until they do on account of they always pipe up if you owe them. Take care, stay safe, warm and dry and tell Mrs TM get well soon. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. How very frustrating. Poor OTL xxx
