Saturday 10 December 2022

Cold and too much frost!

 Hi Woofers,

Daisy back again!

You know, I just can't remember the last time we had such a heavy frost in the mornings. We have had wet mornings and even sunny mornings; we've also had nasty windy blowing mornings but we have to go back a bit for a good hard frost!

I suppose we have to make up for such a hot summer!

Old Two Legs was late in getting up, as usual, and The Missus was up and out to her Glue Flicking Contest at the village hall long before OTL got out of the shower!

On arrival at the sea wall the temperature was showing minus three degrees!

OTL has been catching up on the Three Musketeers on Catch-Up TV. So, I have been getting cuddles and getting bored with a load of sword fighting! 

You know, lunchtime there was still a large amount of frost on the grass and over the meadow. OTL didn't take his camera in the morning or at lunchtime and he even wore his knitted mittens!

TM got back home around six and as normal, there was three and a half tons of card making stuff that had to be unloaded from the car but there was one box that had a super sniff about it.

Rose and Phil had made a Christmas Cake for OTL and it sniffed like there was a gallon and a half brandy in the mix!

Now, the icing was on the top of the cake and it said Merry Christmas to Ken and Eileen.

Then a wedge was drawn onto the cake with a smallish slice for Eileen and three quarters drawn foe OTL!

OTL says he loves Rose and Phil for making the cakes but he will have to fight TM for his fair share 'cos she always is pinching too much of the cake!

I can see OTL creeping down in the middle of the night for a nibble, that is of course if he can find out where TM hides the cake!

She can be right sneaky where cake is concerned!

See you all tomorrow.





1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been even colder here today than it was yesterday. I haven't been for a walk, I've just been dashing into the garden, cock the old leg and dashing back in. Now we've got a lodger for a while on account of Brenda was much worse this morning so my mum called an ambulance and they took Brenda into hospital so Millie is staying here at mine until Brenda is better. I'm not sure wot I'm going to do in the morning when my mum goes to work on account of the last time, Millie started barking and woke everyone up. Maybe my boy will have to get into my mums bed with me and Millie to keep her quiet until my mum gets home or until he needs to get to work. So it's been a busy day here with me having to entertain and look after Millie. That cake sounds good, are you going to get a better sniff of it, maybe OTL should mark out a slither for you to sniff. I bet Mrs TM enjoyed her glitter flinging contest. Tell OTL, you'll sniff out where Mrs TM has hidden the cake for him but you need a treat if you're going to show him where it is. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Millie and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
