Thursday 15 December 2022

Minus five degrees and freezing!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

What a day, what a night!

Yesterday The Missus and Old Two Legs changed the bedding and instead of cotton sheet and duvet cover they installed a Yorkshire Teddy Fleece duvet cover and a Flannelette Sheet.

That means when we go to bed, the bed sheet doesn't freeze your butt off!

OTL used to get in bed during the summer and say that the sheets were 'Cool' but when the temprature outside is minus five his description is Blinking Freezing!

It doesn't help with TM insisting of sleeping with the window open!

We were up a whole half an hour late this morning 'cos OTL was enjoying the new warmth of the sheets!

Finally we got down to the sea wall and there was a sunrise glowing behind the Two Trees, so that was worth a snap!

OK, Two Trees and a bench 'cos the poo bin is still in bed!

We met up with a new woofer on the walk, goes by the name of Carla, she was a little nervious and kept dancing around but she will come around in time.

 Me Carla, wot's your name?

 I stayed back up the hill, new woofers make me nervous!

The sunrise wasn't the big sky full of glowing clouds and sun but it was worth a couple of snaps and anyway, we didn't want to hang about cos it was too cold!

I wonder if the worms are cold?

I like this one 'cos you can see more colour in the sky and the reflection on the mud flats.

TM said she could make a card from this one!

 Just before going over the hill and down onto the meadow a ship passed by, heading off to do a day’s work dredging up the shingle from the banks in the estuary.

 Off to work skipper!

There were noises coming from Sheerness, sounds like they were throwing metal around!

If you forget the noise, it's not a bad reflection shot!

 When we went out at lunchtime, the gauge in the car still read minus five degrees but when we got down to the sea wall it had climbed up to a blistering one degree below freezing!

 This afternoon has been spent snoozing in front of the TV and cuddled up on OTL's lap.

A good place to snooze!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I can well believe it's minus lots. It's been another freezing day here as well and we still have the same amount of snow wot came the other day, it's just not shifting. My mum decided she wasn't going up the shop today, she said she'd had enough of sliding all over the place and was planning a day indoors flinging the glue, but she didn't have time to fling any. My mum has put up some decorations but not as many as usual on account of lots of them have batteries and she's too tight to keep buying batteries, I mean, Xmas only comes once a year but Mrs Scrooge says sod it. Instead of an Xmas tree we got a new one wots got 3 trees on a bit of wood, so she's strung some star lights round them and called it a tree! She's got her nutcrackers out wot she got last year and some plastic candles and dotted them round. I don't think she'll be getting a job in interior design anytime soon though. Me and Millie have been snoozing on the sofa and watching the goings on. Brenda is hoping to be allowed home tomorrow but she still has to wait and see. Smashing pictures today, now far be it from me to be catty, but that new woofer isn't wot you'd call right pretty. Glad OTL approves of the new bedding and is feeling a tad warmer. Hope you're feeling the benefit of the new stuff as well. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Millie and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
