Friday 16 December 2022

It's getting warmer!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy back with you again.

You know its wonderful, it's getting warmer!

You know, this morning when we went out to the car it was just minus three degrees, a whole degree warmer than yesterday, great news, Spring is on its way!

Well, sort of.

The Winter solstice 2022 in Northern Hemisphere (where we are) will be at 21:47 on Wednesday, 21 December. So, come the 22nd we are downhill to Spring, then after that Summer holidays!

Mind you, it's still blooming cold here!

-3 and counting!

 Of course, there are always the fishermen who want to plod around in the mud!
 'ere Fred, have a look at me worms!
 I prefered to stay on dry land, even if it was a little cold, at least the sun was warm up here on top of the hill!
 Me in my nice warm jacket!
 Seems no matter where we go there is always frost on the plants, roll on Spring!


At the end of the path leading to the car, there is a Robin who always chirrups at us saying that it is his territory and we should clear off. 

Today OTL managed to get a shot of him poking his head out of the brambles, just like a Robin should!


Not bad for a shot taken quickly as the bird poked it's head out of the brambles!

Maybe we will see him again tomorrow!
By for now.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well it doesn't seem to be getting warmer here, we've still got the snow everywhere, in fact I haven't seen a blade of grass in a week. Smashing pictures today, love the one of you, my mum gave away my flying jacket on account of I really didn't like it and I wouldn't wear it, mind, I didn't know then just how cold it was going to get. Not to worry though cos I'm absolutely not going walking out in this snow, my little paws would just freeze. Me and Millie are still just dashing out, doing and dashing back in. Brenda is still in hospital on account of the doctor not materialising today. My boy will have to get up when my mum goes to work tomorrow and stop Millie from barking while my mum is out, I can't see him being chuffed to little mint balls about it though. Hope you all kept nice and snuggly with your new stuff on the bed last night. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Millie and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
