Friday 30 December 2022


 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here, late again but it's not my fault!

Old Two Legs got a present from Santa, a whole box full of DVDs of the complete run of Star Gate.

You know that is 214 episodes!

Two Hundred and fourteen, I really don't know what came over Santa Paws.

As expected, OTL sat down with the box and started on a binge of watching right from the beginning of the series.

Now, once started, OTL has a problem with pausing to do things, like take me for a walk or help me fire up the computer so I can write this blog!

So, sorry we are late but at least we are here!

When we finally got OTL out the sun had just got up but not a photo to set the world alight!

I've seen better!

We carried on around and bumped into a little fella we occasionally meet. He was in a good mood 'cos he was celebration his seventieth birthday!

Now that is something to sing about!

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, I can't remember the next bit!

We finished off the song and he laughed when we got to the rude bits!

Walking through the forest you can tell that winter is here all the leaves have now gone.

Spring is on the way!

Today I woke OTL up good and early but when we got out it was raining and both OTL and I got wet!

It was the same at lunchtime, wet wet, wet!

OTL has been looking at the booklet that came with the DVD set, it's almost as long as the DVDs themselves!

So, tonight I suppose OTL will be watching out for aliens!

See you tomorrow!





  1. Yo Daisy, well Mrs TM tipped my mum off last night that you and OTL were otherwise engaged. It was sunny here yesterday but bitterly cold, my mum thought we should go for a walk but I wasn't having any of it. She put my fleece on but I only went to the top of the path and 2 houses down and decided I wanted to go back into the warm. The chap wot lives in the house was chatting to my mum so we were out for quite a while but not walking very far. That's the best type of walk when it's really, really cold. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM last night, when she was flinging the glitter and my mum was munching her chinese take away, plawn clackers and flied lice, I just had my normal scoff and the sniffs. Smashing pictures, if you see that little woofer again, wish him happy birthday from me, it's my birthday soon but I won't be as old as him. Enjoy the dvds and put your paws up for a nice rest. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Yo Daisy, in case you're still watching the box set, wish Mrs TM, OTL and you a very happy & healthy new year. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my boy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
