Sunday 22 January 2023

Back to freezing again!

 Hi Woofers!

Guess who!

Yes, it's me again, Daisy, also known as Cold Paws!

It was certainly chilly paws this morning. We were up a little later than normal and although we missed the sunrise, we did catch the sea mist sweeping up the Medway.

OK, the sun was up but it was certainly cold enough to freeze the grass!

We spotted a gas ship coming in and OTL hung around trying to get a shot but it didn't really set the world alight!

The tugs were in attendance but we could hardly see them as the fog was just too thick.

Being a Sunday, we were being lazy. TM was playing with her cards and getting ready for her next 'On Line' instructions!

We left her to it and tried to be as quiet as possible for fear of getting told off!

Lunchtime we were out again at lunchtime but it was still freezing cold and you could see the grass still heavy with frost!

Frosty or wot!

One thing we did notice was the clouds, they all looked the same, almost horizon to horizon, strange!

I'm sure there is a name for this type of cloud but I'm not clever enough to remember the name!

Mind you, I bet Holly would have known the name if she was here!

Never mind Holly knowing, I've got a name for it, freezing cold!

Back to work tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it was freezing this morning when my mum cruelly pushed me out at silly o clock. It's been freezing here all day and the frost wot was here this morning is still here tonight. My mum said she was cream crackered when she got home from work so after a bit of brekkie and a mug of steaming hot coffee, we had a nice snuggle up on the sofa and a good snooze until my scoff time. We've spent most of the day dozing on the sofa in between scoffing, which is the best way to spend a day, now, we've just woken up from a little siesta just in time for bed. Glad to hear Mrs TM is getting her filming done for instruction day next weekend. Smashing pictures today, I see you've got your nice thick flying jacket on. Now I know Holly would know the names cos Holly chops knew pretty much everything being a very clever woofer and knowing how to check things on the internetty. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
