Saturday 21 January 2023

A Bit Warmer, just a bit!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, we woke up this morning expecting six inches of frost on the car but surprise, surprise there was just a small dusting!

It was even warm enough for me to leave my warm coat off!

Down on the sea front we managed to get the sunrise!

OK, so, it was above the horizon but the sun behind to clouds still made a spetical!

Of course, we also captured some gulls passing by, heading for the breakfast grounds.


 Come lunchtime it was still warm but not hot!

 The tide was in and I thought for a moment or two that I might take a dip but to be honest, it looked just a little too cold, so I stayed high up on the grass!


No, I think I'll leave it today!

Looking across to Sheerness we couldn't see a ship in dock, maybe they were on strike like the train drivers!


 OTL was clicking away at anything he could see and even managed to take one of me , catching me unawares!


 He does get sneaky with that camera!

 Reading some of the newspaper headlines, they forecast mountains of snow in the near future, let's hope it is all up country and not around here!

TM spent the day up the village hall splashing the glue around and you know, OTL and I went in to say hello and no one gave me a nibble!

I think I'll complain to the management!

See you tomorrow!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been freezing here as well and some of the frost hasn't shifted all day. My mum stayed home today so I didn't have to get up at silly o clock and guard the house, I had a nice lay in. My mum is going to work tomorrow so I'll be up at silly o clock then but I've decided my boy can do the guarding while I snooze. Now that's not on, going to the village hall and not getting a smacker of a titbit. I wouldn't bother going again if they're not going to appreciate a royal visit and be tight with their snacks. I had a visit from Brenda and Millie and they brought me some treats. Smashing pictures today, you seem to be giving OTL a very church of england look when you spotted him taking pictures of you. Well it's an early night for me so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
