Tuesday 7 February 2023

Another cold day.

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here again.

Another day just like yesterday, very little wind to blow the fog away, so, it all hung around and the best I could do was to keep running around to keep warm.

One thing I did notice was when Old Two Legs breathed out, there was no white breath, strange that is.

Normally he looks like an old steam train puffing along behind me!

There was so much frost on the grass that it looked like it was all snow!

There was a good sprinkling of frost on the brambles, looks very pretty!

Now, how about that for a frosty leaf?

Down on the sea wall we could hardly see the sea and the path looked very slippy! I was pleased to get back home where I could cuddle up on my bed until lunchtime.

Yes, I will be pleased to get home!

Lunchtime we were out again but OTL didn't even take the camera with him, I mean, just how boring can you make a photo look like in the fog?

We worked out that the Sheerness Fog Horn is three, one second blasts and then a thirty second pause. Ships going up and down the river have their own song but we didn't hear one this afternoon.

If it's still foggy tomorrow we'll listen out for them.

That's it for today, a bit boring but Spring is on its way!


Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. It's been freezing here all day today, bit foggy this morning with loads of frost but it hasn't warmed up at all. I've spent most of the day snuggled up and then Brenda and Millie popped in for a coffee this afternoon. We've got to get to bed early tonight on account of the new food box is being collected tomorrow and a new one being left behind. I hope the new one is better than the old new one. My mum is sick of the saga. My mum got into an argument outside the shop today, she was waiting for someone to leave a space and indicating she was going to turn into it, when some old goat comes up the road and straight into the space, well my mum got out and read the riot act, she made the old goat move. How rude is that to pinch a parking spot when someone waits patiently, some TL's need a lesson in manners. Glad to see you had your nice warm flying jacket on today. I'm keeping my paws crossed that spring doesn't take too long to arrive. I'm glad we don't have foghorns here, well except for my mum, I don't think I'd like the noise. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
