Monday 6 February 2023

Running out of Pills!

 Hi Woofers,

Daisy here again!

Bit of a mix up day today.

Once again, I have proved that a cold wet nose pressed lovingly into OTL's ear around five thirty, will work every time!

In fact, we were so early that we even beat the sun at getting up!

Wot, no sun yet?

As the sun wasn't up, we pointed the lens at the moon and even that tried to hide behind the clouds!

Half a moon is better than no moon!

  We met up with a couple of woofers that I have seen before but not played with, so I kept my distance while they said hello to Old Two Legs!

Let’s face it, he'll talk to anyone!

Back home I had my morning snooze, mugged OTL for a couple of chicken chews!

I've got this chew trick off to a fine art now!

Lunchtime came and we headed off to the sea front but half way there the fog came down. 

By the time we got to the car park OTL had to put on the fog lamps on the car!

It was so bad that when we got out of the car, we couldn't see the sea!

I see no Sea!

Getting down to the sea front, I could just see the mud flat from the Sea Wall but it was OK cos I could use my nose to find the sniffs!

It's a good job I have a super sensitive nose, just imagine the trouble I'd be in if I couldn't sniff!

Looking along the sea wall, there was no sign of the river or the beach or even Sheerness!

It was at this point that OTL put the camera away, well, just how interesting can a bank of fog be?

The only thing we heard was the long mournful groaning of the fog horns from the ships and Sheerness!

Now, how did Archie babe get on at the vet? I mean, a limping woofer is no good to anyone!

Talking of vets, it looks like all the vets have gone away, our one has gone back home and group practise is surviving on one vet they groaning are passing from one branch to the other!

OTL managed to get my pills ordered up and we pick the prescription up on Wednesday, with a bit of luck!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I didn't have to go, I was better this morning after a nice lay in. No limping at all. My mum reckons I strained myself a bit yesterday cos there was an interesting sniff in one of the hedges wot I was trying to reach but it was a bit too high up. My mum made me rest today, she picks me up when I want to get on the sofa, my boy picked me up and put me on the sofa so I jumped off again then got up myself, I got told off but I don't care. It looks right foggy down your way, we're expecting fog tomorrow but we didn't have any today. I'll wait and see if it's too cold then I might stay in and carry on resting, snuggled under a blanket on the sofa. It's a good job us woofers are good at sniffing or we might get lost. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
