Tuesday 28 February 2023

Is he still breathing?

Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy Dog again.

Now you know just how much I hate the trip to the vet, well, I've just seen a letter from the NHS to OTL requesting he visit to the Phlebotomy Clinic for them to take a sample of his blood.

Now I know just how big and brave OTL is but let’s face it, the size of the needle and the amount they take, well, that's almost an arm full!

I've got a trip to the vet on Thursday and I'm pleased to announce that I reckon I'm OK. Everything feels back to normal, so, no needles for me!

This morning OTL took me for a walk and although we missed the sunrise there was a little glimmer in the distance.


  It would have been better with a telephoto lens!

 What with OTL being away it has allowed the Hawthorn to get blooming! When OTL left there were just a couple of blooms but look at them now!


I reckon anymore and it will look like snow!

 OTL was off again down to see his customer to deliver the programmed gear and he left me at home! 

Mind you, staying at home I was able to bully TM into giving me a chicken nibble!


The car has got its cover on, it looks like a big grey sausage strapped into it.

The next time it comes out is at the end of March when OTL and Alun go away for a weekend!

I can hear the sound of doggy food being put in my bowl so I'm off to see what's for Din Dins!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot a cold day it's been, the wind has been blowing and the clouds look like they're full of nasty stuff. I'm glad you're feeling better and I'll keep my paws crossed you don't need anymore needles stabbed into you. Now this fleabottom stuff, why don't you just tell the vet on thursday that OTL needs stabbing and get the vet to do it while you watch. Not that you'd laugh, of course you wouldn't. I'm off to get dunked tomorrow so I sniff nice and fresh for the college bods on thursday, or that's the excuse my mum is using, well I got news for her, I shall be coming home after being dunked and rolling round the garden to get my sniffs back. Smashing pictures today but that sky does look chilly. I heard you offering to help OTL and Mrs TM put the cover on the car. Enjoy your dins. Stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
