Thursday 16 February 2023

Orange Ball.

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, have you ever searched for a file that you know has been filled away in an old file, miss named.

OTL has been having this problem today. He has been searching for a file that holds the settings for the equipment he has just received an order for.

This customer has a very complicated program which always causes problems!

Still, that's his problem, I've got some better news!

Our morning walk was a bit boring; it was grey clouds and the tide was on its way in. I was sniffing around looking for some new sniffs.

I wish we could come down here and find a really exciting sniff or two!

Grey clouds and no sun worth seeing!


It was then that I came across a small rubber ball, hidden in the grass. You know that the tennis balls are just a little bit big for me to hold in my mouth but this one was just right!

I still played the same game as normal, you know, running after it and then picking it up and running away again!

It was so much fun that I chased after it all around the walk!

Come on OTL, bet you can't catch me!

All in all, it was a great time and this ball bounces along in a straight line as well!

As we got close to the car park, we caught a look at the Hawthorn tree and the flower buds look like it's only week away from bursting into flower!

It won't be long before the whole bush is covered in white flowers.

Tomorrow OTL is off to his customer to borrow a bit of equipment so he can copy the settings!

You know, I might even get a lift!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Oh what fun!! Finding a new toy to play with out on your walk. Xxx

  2. Yo Daisy, how's yer grumblies today? Hope you're right over them now. Looking very good in that picture with the new treasure you sniffed out. Now my mum can never find things, she puts things in a safe place and it's so safe, she can never find them again. Good luck to OTL for finding his file. Now me and my mum were up at silly o clock this morning and I was working hard at guarding the house, although last night, when my boy came to say goodnight, I did tell him it was his turn to do the guarding but all I could hear this morning was him snoring away, wot a cheek. It's been quite a damp day here with a few showers, bit warmer but if feels chilly when it's wet out there. Me and my mum are going to have an early night tonight and a bit of a lay in tomorrow so we can make the most of the zzz's we missed out on this morning. Enjoy your trip out if you get to go. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
