Friday 17 February 2023

Here comes the weekend!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Today has been boring, really boring, I mean the walk this morning was under grey sky. I did manage to get OTL to throw the ball I found. 


When we got back home OTL had breakfast then ran off to pick up some stuff at one of his customers.

It took three hours to get down and back and in time for my lunchtime walk. Once that was done, he set about programming only to find that he had picked up the wrong model and was unable to complete the programming.

It was then too late to go back and pick up the right bit of equipment.

So, the programming will have to wait until next week and a couple of days!

Now I have just a couple of days with OTL 'cos he will be going off for weeks fun and games with cousin Alun.

They are off to the North East of England, a place neither of them had ever visited.

OTL is looking forward to visiting Bamburgh Castle and the surrounding area plus photographing the castle from the seaward side!

He will be using Colour plus Monochromatic and even Inferred!

While OTL and Alun are off having fun I will be stuck at home woofing at anyone who knocks on our front door!

The Missus has been at the dishwasher again and we have the service engineer calling next week and we will be keeping a close eye on him while he pulls the machine apart!

See you all tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Wot a shame OTL didn't take you with him, you might have spotted that he picked up the wrong model and told him. I heard you asking Mrs TM for a treat and I heard her saying no on account of you hadn't finished your dinner, tsk, you were saving it for later and you could have had a treat. You watch me put my paw down with my mum, no is unacceptable to me in this house. Did you hear Mrs TM and Pat and my mum doing all that gassing today, don't they make a racket, honestly, they disturbed my snooze, wot a cheek. I don't do woofing if my mum is home, she can do the guarding, I'm not up for working 24/7, wot do they think I am. I did woof at a squirrel in the garden though, I told it to woof off cos it's my garden! I've got to get up early tomorrow on account of my mum working, I reckon though it's my boys turn to do the guarding and the woofing cos I did it the other day and it's about time he took his turn. My mum has got to walk to work tomorrow cos the car is going in for its yearly medical check up and mot, it better be ok cos it's got to take me to the college in a couple of weeks. I hope OTL is going to bring you back a treat from his away days with Alun. Make sure he leaves you in charge Daisy. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sorry to hear you had a boring day Daisy.
    SUPER sky shot from OTL today! Best make the most of him before his holibobs xxx
