Saturday 18 February 2023

What happened to OTTO?

Hello Woofers!

It's me again!

We have had some fun today, it started off with me jumping onto the bed and stuck my nose into OTL's ear, that always wakes him up!

Being a Saturday there was no one out walking woofers so I had the whole sea wall to myself!

An interesting vista!

There are plans afoot to get electricity from Germany when they are over producing. I come via cable under the North Sea and lands in a field behind the village of Grain!

There is just one problem, to build the terminal, is going to take two hundred and forty weeks.

That is four and a half years of muddy roads and articulated lorries!

I wonder how big the terminal will be?

The lunchtime walk was different in that we met a woofer, in fact it was a Woolf Hound. Now, I know I'm classed as a terrier and we are not that big but this dog is as big as a donkey!

OTL stopped to take a picture and was woofed at by this donkey!

Well, I'm quite happy being my size!

Today OTL has been packing all his photography gear ready for next week and after that he set about emptying the pond of mud and water.

OTL had purchased a drill powered pump to help pump water out of the hole in the ground!

Only problem was, it was quicker using a plastic bucket!

Well, most of the water plants have now been removed and after cleaned will require to be replaced with new plants.

Now, we need to decide on what plants to buy!

That's it for today,

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, now have you thought of stowing away when OTL packs his stuff? You could get a free holiday out of it with some new sniffs. That woofer does look rather big, but I'm like you, I prefer being a bit smaller on account of I can fit on my mums lap and get snuggles. Talking of snuggles I had a nice one this morning when my mum got home from work but not for long on account of my mum being a bit bothered that the jam jar was still in the garage and hadn't gone for its medical check. Well it seems that the chap wot comes and collects it put a different day on his calendar to the one wot he told my mum, so he's coming on Wednesday to pick it up. My mum doesn't mind but she walked to work in the pitch black this morning on account of thinking the car was going today. She said she saw some foxes out looking for scoff, but she didn't see any undesirables hanging about, probably a good job cos she might have smacked them if they got too close to her. Of course I was at home doing the important job of guarding the house and valuables while my boy was snoring in his pit. I'm having an early night tonight cos I'm back working again tomorrow morning seeing as how I can't rely on my boy to do his fair share of the work. Smashing pictures today. Now that does seem a long time to build that thingummywotsit to store the lectric. I bet us woofers could do the job in half the time being as how we're good at digging. Good luck with chosing new plants for the pond, I hope OTL is going to take you along to get your advice. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
