Tuesday 7 March 2023

What to do between walks!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Well, we have been warned by the weather forecaster that we have varying amounts of snow due in this location. I listened to them, got out my skis and snow shoes, put my woolly coat on and poked my nose out of the front door.

It wasn't even raining, just grey and cloudy!

Down on the sea front we didn't even see a threat of rain let alone snow!

Theres no snow to show!

Even heading back home after my walk there was no sign of snow!

Back home I took up my favourite position on my bed, on the desk, all warm and snuggly while OTL balanced the keyboard on his lap and tried to get on with some work!

I do love being here, it is just how I like to spend the morning!

I stayed on my bed all morning until my body clock told me it was getting close to our lunchtime walk and time, I woke OTL up.

You know I got this feeling it's time to go out again!

So, I sat at the top of the stairs until OTL dressed me up in my woolly coat and I eyeballed him until he put his coat and wellies on!

 This is me giving him the old eyeball!

 Lunchtime was a little boring, no woofers, a few sniffs and no snow! Mind you, I did see a hawthorn bush covered in blossom!


 Now this is a sight to see on the path around the sea wall!

 I'm off to see if I can get some nibbles!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot beautiful pictures of you today, I can see you yawning in the one where you've just got on the desk for a snooze. We haven't had any snow yet but it is still forecast but I'm keeping my paws crossed we don't get any cos I don't like it, not one little bit. Me and my mum have had a lazy day and a siesta this afternoon on account of we were both very tired today. I think all the appointments I've had recently have taken their toll on us both. Tomorrow we're looking forward to a bit of glue flinging and a gas, well, my mum is, me on the other paw is looking forward to a few snoozes if the ladies keep the gas volume level down. It's been very cold here today though. I think I might go and get a snackette then have a quick snooze before dinner. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
