Wednesday 8 March 2023

It's Crampon time!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, it's arrived, I stuck my nose outside the front door and got a flake of sleet landed on my nose! On top of that there were drops of rain drops landing on the bald spot between my ears!

Now, the car had some sleet sticking to the windscreen wipers when OTL drove off.

When we arrived at the car park, OTL decided to leave the camera in the car due to the lack of water resistance being next to zero!

We got around the corner and got hit on the nose by a strong wind loaded with sleet and rain, I decided that after my morning poo, I'll turn around and head back to the car!

Going home we noticed that some of the vehicles had a great deal of snow piled up on their windscreen or bonnet. I reckon they must have come via Blue Bell Hill (a local mountain)!

We didn't stop to ask!

Lunchtime came and off we went again, expecting sunshine and balmy breezes. 

The rain was coming down but horizontally!

OTL and I took the forest route which cut the wind and reduced the rain dripping on us!

Once again, we left the camera in the car as we don't want it dripping rain out of it!

Looking at the weather forecast I think we may be in for a week of bad weather so I'm going to keep my head down and get tucked up under my blanket to keep nice and warm until it gets warmer.

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well we've got that rotten snow too and it's so cold here. I've been in the garden a few times to look and see if the weather is improving but it isn't. I've spent most of the day preparing to go into hibernation making sure I get plenty of scoff, cuddles and have a nice soft warm bed to snooze the rest of the winter away. I would have started my hibernation today but my mum and Mrs TM were gassing for most of it. I heard you asking for your after scoff treat. My mum has to go out and pick my boy up from work soon but I'm staying here in the warm and dry. Take care, stay safe, warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
