Thursday 13 April 2023

All in one day!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here again.

Once again, we missed the sunrise but OTL knows how to do the old Fiddly Diddly with the camera to produce an effect!

Just for a change, one Tree and a Bench.

OTL likes this sort of shot, he reckons it has a charm of simplicity yet has hidden depth.

 Mind you, he can come up with a load of rubbish sometimes!

We didn't see any of the usual gang 'cos we were about half an hour earlier than normal, so we were almost finished while they had only just started!

So, here we are half way into April and we have seen a Swallow flying over the weed patch looking for insects and there were three different breed of butterfly flitting around the bushes.

Lunchtime was a bit strange, the rain had stopped but the wind had come up, so, instead of going the normal way across the football field, we headed into the forest first and that way we will be protected against the wind and when we come out of the forest the wind will be at our back!


Going anti-clockwise for a change.

All of the weeds and flowers are blooming, we saw the first Dandelion poking its head up, that's got to be a first this year!

A Dandelion that had ducked under the grass mowers blades.

Coming out of the forest we saw one of the vehicle transporters, heading off to pick up another ship load of imports

Bye, bye to the ship sailing in the sunshine.

After lunch, TM got all excited and was jumping up and down and pointing out the back cos there was sleet pouring down!

I mean, middle of April and sleet, rain, wind, all we need is a snow storm to finish it off!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, how's yer tum today, hope it's better. Smashing photos today. We've not had any rain yet but it keeps coming over grey here. My mum was going to cut the grass but she didn't think with big grey clouds above, that she'd have time, turns out she would have but hey ho. Now I was in my garden a little while ago and I could here this mewing noise coming from high up above. My mum came out to see wot was going on and there was Harry, the new cooking fat wot lives 2 doors down, up in a tree. Well you should have heard the racket he was making, there he was up near the top of a silver birch stuck!!! Well his owner had to take out the fence panel, get his ladders, put one ladder on top of the other ladder and climb up towards the clouds to reach Harry. My mum was stood on the bench keeping an eye in case the ladder slipped, I was woofing, jump, jump, but he didn't. I think there were quite a few neighbours in the end watching the rescue, while all the time there was a police helichopter circling above looking for a spot to land over the police HQ place. Now I reckoned it would have been easier if they'd sent down some sort of cat basket and winched Harry up, but anyways, Richard managed to grab hold of Harry and then he had to climb down holding onto the ladders with one hand. I say, it was better than going to the circus. Now these cooking fats just don't think things through, always a good idea to not climb something you don't think you can get down from I reckon. I went for an early walk this morning but it was so cold and windy I decided I'd much prefer to be home and snuggled on the sofa, so I turned round and headed back home. I had a lovely snuggle up with my mum on the sofa this afternoon. Right I'm off for a pre scoff snooze, so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little (I can talk anyone down from a ledge or branch) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
