Wednesday 12 April 2023

Daisies got the grumbles!

 Hi Woofers,

Daisy here and not feeling too good.

I reckon I've eaten something that doesn't agree with me, OTL says it is more than likely those rabbit poo sweeties I like to nibble!

I've had him running in and out today while I search for a place to empty my bowel.

It has been a mix of a day, this morning the sky was blue and it was rather mild. OTL got a shot of the bench and poo bin but from a different angle!

All from a different angle!

The morning wasn't too bad, OTL has been engineering and I've been on guard against the delivery man who keeps banging on the front door!

I was feeling a bit grumbly and was glad to get out lunchtime but as the day wore on it got worse and at one time I really didn't want to go back home!

Can we go back and do it again?

 You can see the amount of growth there is either side of the path and it is great for diving in and hiding behind the leaves!

OTL has been given his orders and he have to get some more chicken for me.

I hope it doesn't last too long 'cos if it does then I'm off down the vets for some more jollop to calm me down!

I can see I'm going to have an early night tonight and I may even have to wake everyone up tonight if I can't make it until morning!

It's all go you know.




  1. Yo Daisy, so sorry to hear you've got the grumblies again, I hope it passes very soon for you and I'll keep my paws crossed for you. My mum was at the vets today to pick up my shipping order of tablets for the next 3 months and to pay for my injections for the next 2 months, she took my easter egg to donate it to a good cause, she didn't even leave me the box wot was the only bit I was interested in, do you know, even though she gave my egg they still charged her for my tablets, now I thought payment in kind might have been accepted but no, my mum came home with an empty purse again. I went for a short walk this morning but it's been very windy here again and now the rain is hissing down again. Smashing pictures today, love the one of you. My mum has had a bit of the grumblies today, I reckon it's her cooking though, so it's a good job she don't cook for me. Leave the rabbit currants alone now Daisy and get well quick. Take care, stay safe and warm and hope you get a good night without having to go out in the cold. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh dear! Hope you feel better soon Daisy xxx
