Monday 17 April 2023

Another Sunny Day.

 Hi Woofers.

Daisy back again.

Well, it has been a super day, the wind is down and the clouds have stayed away all day.

OTL has left his big coat at home and put on his Nepalese woolly coat!

He has also left his woolly hat at home as well!

I couldn't keep him away from the FIddly Diddly controls on the camera and let him loose with the crayon!

Here we go, Daisy doing a crayon coloured wee!


 We saw a gas ship heading out of the Medway after emptying it's cargo, it was being pushed and pulled down the low water channels.

 Lunchtime was just the same except there was no gas ship!

It was still bright and sunny and we noticed that they have been out with the lawn mower, chopping all the weeds down. 

 Where have all the weeds gone?

 As we were heading home I spotted Davo the husky going along the forest path but OTL wouldn't let me get out of the car so I could have a game!

Maybe tomorrow!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well that was a bit mean of OTL not letting you out of the car for a game, no snuggles for him tonight. Smashing pictures today. Why do people insist on cutting down the weeds when the birds and the bees and other insects need them this time of year. I've been watching some baby squirrels swinging by in the branches, they are very little. Not seen Harry swinging by though. I went for a walk and I insisted on going on a different walk today, but I didn't see any of my mates, looks like they don't go down that way. We've done a few jobs today and had a nice siesta this afternoon. Me and my mum are going to put our paws up for a little while until my boy comes home from work. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
