Wednesday 5 April 2023


Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

What a day! I mean, first thing we got down to the sea front a whole half an hour early.

We did that in the hope we could catch the sun but we missed it by a half an hour!

Now, to catch the sunrise I reckon we need to get up a whole hour earlier.

No way! I don't mind getting up early but there are limits to my early mornings!

We will have to put up with shots like this!

Moody but lacks a subject!
OTL turned the camera the right way up so this time we got some more sideways and the sea weed on the concrete sill.

Better but still lacks depth.

Back home OTL spent the morning fiddling with the Tilt/Shift lens but without any real success.

Now, OTL plans to take his bird watching telescope and has spent the last two days looking for the tripod head which seems to have disappeared somewhere.

That was it, he had no other option but to get onto the Internetty and order up another. Now, you can bet that as soon as this bit of equipment arrives, the old tripod head will be found in a place that is considered to be the right place!

Lunchtime was fun. rather warm with little or no wind and the tide was in!

That was it, as soon as OTL got a little ahead of me I rushed down to the water’s edge and had myself a deep paddle before OTL had worked out where I was!

I had an argument with a tiddly woofer who thought he had control of the beach but in the end, we just stood there looking at each other!

On the way back I jumped up on a bench we pass every day.

Now I've had my coat clipped I can see you!

OTL put his hand in his pocket and got out my rubber ball. Well, I couldn't let him play with it on his own.

I got up and woofed at him and he tossed it away and I was off the bench like a flash and after it!

Come on, throw the woofing ball!

Back home OTL got all stuff off the window ledge and after dowsing it with anti mould stuff he cleaned all the mould off the window frame.

TM came in and nodded her approval!

OTL finished off the jobs by hanging a door knocker on the shed door, no, don't ask!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I was in a hurry to get out and about this morning so I told my mum to shift her butt and hurry up. I have to say I did enjoy my walk this morning, I didn't meet any of my mates though but there was loads of interesting sniffs. It's been sunny but chilly but it's started to rain now. Smashing pictures today, and I do love the close up of you on the bench. I bet OTL has put his thing in a safe place, my mum does that and then it's so safe she can never find wot she's looking for. The big fox has been hanging around a couple of gardens away from mine, it lays on the shed roof. Me and my mum have had a bit of a lazy day today, apart from her flinging the glue for Mrs TM's challenge, we've not done much at all. I don't blame you for not wanting to get up too early. Now that little woofer needs a lesson in manners, everyone knows it's your beach. Hope you enjoyed your dip. Take care, stay warm, safe and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
