Thursday 25 May 2023


Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well now, we had a surprising stroke of good luck this morning when we went to inspect the Moth Trap.

OK, so there were more egg boxes than moths but we had two moths hiding in the moth trap!

There was one who was hiding under the egg box and it was called Treble Lines, I kid you not and

when you look at the moth you might wonder if the 'Moth Naming Department' were having a slow day!

Now, what shall we call it?

I know, it has three lines across it's back so let's call it a Triple Line Moth!

A Lepidopterist nightmare!

Getting back to the moths, the next one was hanging onto the side wall of the moth trap, flat against the wall and in fact to begin with we thought it was a mouldy patch!

With a bit of a tickle with an egg box it fell.

It took a bit of fiddly diddly to get it in the right position to photograph.

 A Willow Beauty?

Now, we have looked through the 'Guide to British Insects' and the nearest one we can find that looks like this is the Willow Beauty, a good name but as common as muck all over the country!

I found a web site that lists moths you would expect to be flying in Kent this time of the year and they confirm identification as Willow Beauty.


Out walking we didn't see any of the usual gang so it was a case of 'Walking Alone' today!

Maybe if I can get OTL out of bed early enough we may see them tomorrow.

Until then, bye for now, we are off to switch the Moth Trap light on!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Sorry you didn't meet any of your mates, I didn't meet any of mine either when I went out so I only did half the walk then went home. I did meet one woofer wot always barks and isn't very friendly but I didn't bother to go and see it. I got my mum to cut the grass this afternoon after she finished flinging the glue and gassing. I heard my mum give OTL a tip on finding moths, you'll have to let me know if it worked. I'm thinking of having an early night tonight cos inspecting the garden after the grass has been cut is hard work. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
