Thursday 27 July 2023

Where is the rain?

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here.

How have you all been today?

I'm afraid it has been a bit boring today, the morning walk was woofer less, like, no one up close just a couple in the far distance.

Cloudy together with some splashes of rain and a rather dismal view!

Not the most exciting vista we could have!

OTL has ordered up some leather cleaning stuff to clean the seats in the big car.

At the same time, he has got a tin of scratch remover for the leather seat in the car.

Every time he wanted to go out and start work the rain started, so, he gave up on that idea, put the tins away and left it for tomorrow!

We haven't seen any butterflies or dragonflies at all today, how can they disappear like that?

Let's hope they come back for tomorrow?

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well the weather here hasn't been very nice today so I declined a walk, as you know I don't do wet. Me and my mum did a few little jobs today but nothing too strenuous. My mum did take a spin on her new electric broomstick though, she is really pleased with it and loves playing with it. Tomorrow morning I've got an early appointment at the vets for my monthly injection, my 3 month check up and order the next 3 months medication and get some cuddles and treats. Do you know wot my mum did, do you know, well she washed my face ....... aaaaaarrghhh a wet flannel all round my chops. I wasn't a happy chap I can tell you. The boy has been busy slaving away over a hot headset and puter again. I think he's quite enjoying his new job and it means he can have his munch with me and my mum. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
