Tuesday 11 July 2023

Yo Devo!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy back again!

This morning was a bit gloomy to begin with and I thought it was going to rain down on the coast. As we drove down towards the car park there were a few lights drops of rain, nothing much, but enough to notice.

Not that I was lights worried 'cos out of the window I could see Devo walking across the football pitch!

That was it, I was out of the car in a flash and we both had a run around and a share of sniffs!

It's amazing just how the Two Legs in this world can create so much mess whilst having a picnic!

I mean, they come along with a shopping bag full of food and by the time they have finished they seem to have two bags of rubbish!

Mind you, they do leave loads of sniffs with the rubbish bag!

Hey! This is a real stinker!

We had a great walk and parted when Devos Two Legs had to go home 'cos he had to go to work today!

Lunch time it was still overcast but the rains had passed and OTL was out looking for Dragonflies who were speeding around like rockets!


When they land, they always seem to be facing the wrong way!

 OTL tried some flower shots but again, not the best we have seen!

Not really fuzzy enough, in today’s wind a tripod would have been better.

Never mind, we can try again tomorrow and with a bit of luck the wind might have dropped!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot smashing pictures again today, always a bonus to see you in them too. Glad you managed to catch up with Devo. I went for an early walk on account of it looking like it was going to be hot and sunny again today, although it was much cooler last night, it rained a lot. Now there I was all tucked up in my pit when I heard the sound of the rain falling, then I had an idea, if it's raining my little froggie mates might be about, so I told my mum I wanted a wee, down we went, out I went and wot should I spy with my little eye, a little froggie mate waiting for me to play sniff and hop. Well it was just after one o clock so my mum wasn't exactly over the moon but I can't disappoint my little mates now. My mum trundled off for her eye test this afternoon, well I don't know if she passed the test but she's got some new glasses coming and lots of cash leaving her account. Well I spose I better go cheer her up so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
