Tuesday 29 August 2023

Back to work again!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy back again!

Well, we have had a very lazy day today, I woke OTL up about half an hour early today and as a result when we got half way around the walk, we met up with Devo!

He was at the end of his walk while I was at the beginning of mine!

We had a chat and a sniff and then he had to go off because his Two Legs had to go to work!

Mind you, I also had to go to work and OTL was busy as well. 

OTL had read that to get rid of green algae in the pond you had to spread some barley stalks and that will clear it all up.

Lucky for us the farmer had recently run his combine over the field and left piles of barley stalks in the field.

On our lunchtime walk OTL took a bag with us and collected a few handfuls of barley stalks to spread onto the pond surface.

After he had read the instructions is seems that you have to wait for the barley to sink to the bottom of the pond, rot away and produce some chemical reaction and make the algae go away.

We are not sure how long it will take for the barley to rot, maybe a year or two?

Now he has to scoop all the barley stalks out using a posh shrimp net he keeps to help get rid of the leaves!

Maybe he should have waited for the water shower pump thingy!

The water pump should have been delivered today but it seems they are suffering from some Bank Holiday troubles connected with the aeroplane problem!

Mind you, once you get the sprinkler, it has to be charged for a minimum of eight hours before connecting it up in the pond!

Just how long does barley take to rot?

Bye for now.




1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well now that is a question, how long does barley take to rot, now I would imagine it depends on how many wees you do on it, the more wees, the quicker it rots. Glad you managed to catch up with Devo today even if it was a quick chat. I went to the vets this morning, now do you know, they said my mum couldn't give me any scoff on account of I might need a blood test before I could have my scoff. Well, I got a right good examination, then I had my vaccination, then I was sent to sit in the waiting room for the nurse to come and take my blood and then give me my arthritis injection. The thing was, they had loads of right sick woofers and cats brought in so I waited and waited and waited, in the end the vet and a nurse took my blood and gave me my arthritis injection, naturally I was very brave and a good boy like wot I always am and I got loads of fuss in the waiting room from other patients TL's. The general thinking is, I didn't like all the hot weather and it made me a bit out of sorts and quiet. My mum got my test results this afternoon and they want to send some off to another lab just to get a bit more idea of one of the results but they reckon it's cos of my delicate tum that the results aren't quite normal ........ well I'm not normal, I'm very special, so after my mum parted up with an arm and a leg and a hand, she's now got to part up with another leg to cover the extra test and thankfully they have enough of my blood so I don't have to miss my scoff and go again. I also got a smart new harness on account of one of the marks on my chest wot my mum was worried about is a rub mark from my old harness. I've made sure I got my ration of scoff wot I missed out on and I had a nice siesta with my mum. We're going to have a nice early night tonight to make sure we get our quota of snooze. Hope your new pump thingy turns up tomorrow. Take care, stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little (worn out) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
