Tuesday 22 August 2023

Getting closer to finishing the pond!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

It's been another of those 'Good Idea' days where the 'Bad Back' has taken over!

It started off first thing this morning when OTL tried to get out of bed and he sort of got stuck with his legs in the air as he tried to swing out of bed! OTL was all up and go but his back said 'Go back to the horizontal position for another hour or two!'

The result was we didn't get up until much too late!

It was so late that we bumped into the The Lads who had lost their ball and were panicking!

OTL left them to it and caught the last bit of the sunrise!

It was surprisingly clear across the sea this morning and with only a little fiddly diddly on the camara he managed a shot that wasn't too bad, considering it was seven thirty in the morning!

Back home we unpacked the pond liner and with The Missuses help we spread the under mat and then the pond liner out across the hole in the garden.

We decided that we would fill the pond first before trimming the edges and set off pulling and poking the liner and under mat into a position where the water forced the liner into all the nooks and crannies!

OTL was going to set about trimming the edges but his back was still giving him hell so it was decided to leave the trimming until tomorrow when TM would be off to the village hall for a day’s 'Glue and Glitter'.

So, cross your claws, we should have the pond trimmed and with a bit of luck the rocks will be installed around the pond edge.

I was just about to sign off when I noticed a Dragonfly doing a lap of honour around the pond, followed by a sparrow having a bath and a butterfly dive onto the water to get a drink!

They don't hang about!




  1. Yo Daisy. Well you all worked very hard on that pond today, Mrs Pat and my mum were chatting with Mrs TM in between her helping you and OTL with the liner. I hear she took you for your munch time walk and then went and bought OTL a kebab, now how nice is that. You'll have to supervise OTL very carefully tomorrow if Mrs TM is going out to fling the glue and glitter. I went for an early walk but it was still very warm so I only stayed out for about 20 minutes then I went home to get a drink and lay in the shade with my paws up while my mum was gassing on the internetty with Mrs TM and Mrs Pat. I had my munch with my boy although he was a bit late coming down so I'd finished my munch off by the time he got down the stairs. He's late again now finishing work and there's me waiting for him to get his munch so I can have mine with him, I'm going to have to put my paw down with him. Nice pictures today. Take care and don't work too hard tomorrow, stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Nice pic’s. Hope OTL’s back makes a speedy recovery. Xxx
