Hi Woofers,
Daisy here.
Well, all those threats of storms called Betty and winds so strong that the rain was going to be blown up in the air. We decided that working on the pond was not going to be the best thing we could do today!
So, we left the pond to play Airbnb to some water borne thingy with loads of legs!
No sign of Devo although we did meet up with the lads who were chasing their balls and Cody even found a soft toy that looks like an ellyfunt.
It wasn't that good for throwing but Cody had a game of Tug with OTL!
Hugo the Yorky made a fuss of OTL but declined to chase and balls, well, Yorky's just don't do that sort of thing!
A Yorky is for ratting and games like that!
Now, one thing I like to do is to get moving when I'm out for a morning wee, so these woofers that hang about chasing balls tend to slow me down.
I tend now to hang about and wait for them to get ahead or I'll take another path where there are no woofers!
I don't know who is slower, the Two Legs or the woofers!
I managed to get three walks today, morning, midday and late afternoon. Not that I needed an extra wee but it was just the fun of getting OTL out of his office!
If tomorrow gets better we should get back to the pond tomorrow, just before the World Cup final!
Bye for now.
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