Friday 11 August 2023

Turn on the heating????

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here!

Well, it's a bit warm out there, a bit cloudy but certainly muggy!

I got OTL up good and early, in fact the sun was still hiding behind the clouds.

I reckon it won't be long before OTL gets back to photographing the morning sun!

The clouds were all sort of fuzzy, but it didn't last too long!

We stood there looking at the clouds and as we were looking, the fuzzy clouds faded away!

We didn't see Devo, in fact the only woofers we saw was that pair of hooligans, one of which had found a baseball hat and was refusing to give it away!

OTL had got the engineer in to service the central heating and of course to test we had to wind up the thermostat to red hot!

I put my paws up and sat in the garden and waited until the heat dropped down to a sensible temperature!

I think that it may be cooler tomorrow and if I get OTL up on time we may bump into Devo!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo hot dawg. Well my mum got me up well early this morning and we were out for a walk really early. There was no one about on account of sensible people were still in their pits! I refused to go very far cos I was cream crackered. My boy went to work over the town this morning so I had to have munch on my own, I did miss him and his crumbs. My mum has been doing more fixing today so she was off down the DIY shop first thing, then she decided to tackle the grass, then cut down some branches of shrubs wot she said were untidy. Then she wanted a siesta but put my paw down firmly and told her she shouldn't have got us up so early so NO I wasn't going to siesta! Nice pictures of the sky, where's one of you? I hope the heating man did a good job, fancy putting the heating on in this weather, I don't blame you for getting out the way. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
