Wednesday 2 August 2023

Wind, rain, yellow warnings and sunshine!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

I do tire of these weather forecasters, take today.

The weather map is covered with death and destruction showing all over the map, enough rain to sink the Titanic twenty times over, wind blowing this deluge across the UK.

What did we get as we walked across the sea side?

Blue sky and fluffy clouds!

Looking over towards Sheppy there were some dark clouds but not the rain laden monsoon promised!

I would call that dramatic rather than the end of the world!

Driving back we came across some rain drops, not a lot, just enough to wet the screen.

Stuck in traffic there is nothing to do but count the rain drops on the screen!

Our end of the world there are notices up informing us that there is some major construction going on near Grain and the railway bridge will be undergoing major reconstruction work and the traffic loights will keep failing and the speed limit will be reduced to 20mph!

If it gets worse I reckon OTL will start our walks in the fields and finish in the field!

One good thing about the hedgerow being left to grow wild, the insects are coming back!

See you tomorrow, if the floods let us.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well we've been waiting for the hurricane to arrive, now this morning it was ok so I went for a quick walk, bit boring cos the only thing I met was a killer cooking fat wot wouldn't let me go by, now my mum told it to get out the way, go in the bushes but no, so my mum hissed at it, still it wouldn't buzz off, it stood there with its back arched ready to pounce, so we crossed over and left it. Then my mum popped out to get a few bits for munch, came home and realised she hadn't bought any curly wurlies so went back again. Now she forgot all about the garage door being mended, sorted, oil and just plain working properly and she nearly went flying over the garage roof, then when she came back, she nearly forgot again but remember just in time that she only needed the lightest touch to get it open and shut again. Well it started getting windy around munchtime and then the rain started but the wind dropped. Me and my mum had a nice siesta, dropping off to the sound of raindrops bashing against the conservatory roof and the windows. I can see I'm going to have to pick my time to go out in the garden, I'm not going while it's lashing down cats and frogs that's for sure. Smashing pictures today, have you seen the one of you Mrs TM put on faceache? Right it's nearly time for munch so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
