Friday 29 September 2023

TM is even More Famous!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, we have a star living in our kennel, step forward The Missus!

Now for some time she has been part of what are called DT's or Design Team to you and me!

TM has a particular style that loads of crafters try to copy.

Now, it was decided that the manufacturer will put together a pack that has the sample card, stamps, ink and option to buy some of the tools, (brushes and eraser and other bits) plus a list of stuff needed to produce an exact copy of TM's original work of art!

Well of course, we had to sit there and watch the whole show which, to be honest, got exciting when they showed TM's original sample, then the pack with Eileen Godwin's name on it.

You know we had to answer questions on the show after!

I was glad to get out for the lunchtime walk, even if it was cloudy and not the best photography weather!

It will get better, we hope!

We had a look for the new Wandering Snails but they seem to have sunk to the bottom of the pond or swum up to the other end of the pond!

What we need is some swimming insects and bugs but that will need a month or two, so we will have to wait!

In fact, OTL says it may take a year before it becomes productive in swimming bugs!

The weekend is almost here, have fun!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well me and my mum chooned in and watched the 2 programmes where Mrs TM got loads of mentions and her smashing stuff shown on the telly. We enjoyed it and we're telling all our mates that we're mates with Mrs TM and Daisy dog. I do think they could have mentioned that Mrs TM had a famous diary writing woofer as well as her being very arty. I went for a walk today and saw one of my mates and we had a little chat while we walked along and sniffed the sniffs. Now last night my mum was chatting to one of our neighbours who has a cooking fat, hairball Harry, and our neighbour said that he came home from work one evening, looked up and saw old Hairball in the bedroom window looking out, now nothing strange in that you might say, but, Hairball was in the house next door to where he lives! Hairball is a bit of a cheeky chappie you know. Last night just before bed I did a bit of high jump training with one of my champion froggies, I reckon he's going to be a gold medalist you know. I'm wondering if your new snails are just a bit shy. Maybe after they've settled in, in a couple of weeks they might be a bit more sociable. Smashing picture of the sky today. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
