Thursday 28 September 2023

Whose Birfday is it?

 Hi Woofers,

Daisy here.

I was glad to see that Archie Babe survived the vets, I'm not sure I could have been so brave any sign of a needle or gloved hand with five fingers has me all of a quiver!

We had a delivery of ten Wandering Snails in the post, they are now swimming around in the pond eating all the algae, well that's what we hope, a little munch here and there!

On our morning walk we got stopped at a set of traffic and were amazed seeing the sun behind the mist.

We were expecting big waves and howling winds, in fact, when we go to the sea wall, we couldn't find the sea!

So much for big waves!

Now, Archie Babe has asked us to sing a Happy Birthday song to his Mummy Two Legs, so, after a lot of thought we have developed this ditty!

Now, all together now, after twenty-nine and three quarters........Seven, Fifteen and Twenty-Nine & Three Quarters and a Little Bit..............🎂

Happy Birfday Archies Mum!

Blow your nose and scratch your bum!

It's your Birfday, Diddly do, 

Here's a shovel and a pile of poo! 💩

Get a load of that one! 

OTL and I have been looking at some of the past blogs and see that we first started Daisys Diary back in October 2010, so that means we have been going a whole thirteen years!

You know, that is a year older than I am now!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, well wot a super birfday song that is, better than some of the cards she got, some of them saying nice things, mind, some of them were funny and said rude things. Hope your new wandering snails don't wander off, maybe you should make them wear a collar with a disc and their name and address so they can be brought home if they do wander. We've had quite a few visitors today, some of them didn't know it was my mums birfday until they went up the local shop, where some naughty person has chalked graffitti all on the pavements about it. So we've had extra callers and she got extra pressies. She reckons she's got enough brandy now to fill a bath, enough ciggies to export them to the EU and does John Lewis have enough goods for her to spend the vouchers she's received. Now only one visitor brought me something and that was Brenda who brought me some treats from her and Millie. Me and my mum went back to the beginning of your diary a few months back. All those adventures you've had. Well I'm off to put my paws up on account of all the visitors and the chap wot delivered my mums birfday kebab, courtesy of my boy, have worn me out. Take care and stay safe all. ppppsssssstttt, have you given all the new residents of Godwin Towers names yet? Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy birthday to Archie’s mum. X
