Saturday 28 October 2023

Another hour here or there!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

OK, good news and bad news. Last night when we switched off the computer there was an upgrade and when we switched on this morning the delay in up loading was just sixty seconds!

Another thing OTL tried was to reduce the file size on the pictures which sort of worked but there was the sixty second delay!


Well, it was quick to load but it is all out of focus!

We just tried to upload the bigger file but it didn't work!

Now there is the changing of the clocks tonight and we get an extra hour in bed, well that's what OTL thinks but if this morning is anything to go by, I'll get him up at five!  

F1 racing tonight but not until late, still it is coming from Mexico!

Well, back to the second picture, in focus but slow to load! Still, it is an interesting shot of a tunnel made of trees and bushes, pity you can't see it! .

Back to the instructions again!

Bye for now.




  1. Well at least your blog page didn't time out on me today. Couldn't get into it at all the other day!
    Good to see you - even if you ARE blurry!

    What's going on with the photo loading then? Have I missed something? I'm not having trouble with my own blog! xxx

  2. Yo Daisy, well you loaded straight away here this evening even if you are a tad blurry, I can live with that. Well me and my mum are officially retired now so no more silly o clock alarms to go off and wot with the extra hour tonight, me and my mum are going to make the most of it all. I have to say I'm not mad keen on it getting darker earlier but I can get over my disappointment with the extra hours snooze I suppose. Brenda and Millie came up this afternoon for their Saturday coffee and gas. I'm still probably going to have an early night cos I'm a tad tired from my guard duty this morning. Take care and stay safe all and happy loadings. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
