Sunday 29 October 2023

Back to real time again!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Now, just how many of you woke up too early this morning?

I must admit, I woke OTL up around four forty five and was most put out when he told me someone had mucked around with clock!

I was not a happy puppy!

When we got down to the sea front it made a change to see the sun hiding behind the blouds. Not the most dramatic sunrise but well worth loking at!

Walking along the sea wall we could hear the geese out on the mud flats enjoying their morning breakfast!

 This loaded up quickly, the file size has been reduced!

I suppose it is going to take a week or so before we get used to the changing of the clocks but at least we are back to 'Real Time' again.

The vet has given instructions that I must go onto dried food and away from 'Wet' food. Now I must admit that I currently eat both, but I've got to go onto 'Dried' on account I need to get rid of some plaque that has built up. It's either that or the vet will need to brush my teeth and because I'm a little jittery, they would need to knock me out and with my dodgy heart, I might not wake up!

So, crunchy, crunchy time it is!

As a treat, OTL has ordered up a special bowl to help! The bowl is tilted over at an angle so it is easier to chase the dried biscuits around the bottom of the bowl! 

ComSaf 15°Slanted Stainless Steel Dog Bowl, 470ml Tilted Angle Raised Food Water bowl for Dog and Cat, Food Grade,Non-Skid &

 Good Innit?

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, Now I love talking scoff. Wot a posh looking bowl, now my bowl has got protrusions in it to stop me from woofing down my scoff, but it don't work, I just put my mouth over the bowl and suck and it's like a hoover sucking up the scoff. Now I was most put out over the hour and me and my mum have been arguing all day about when it's scoff time. I reckon with the hour going back I've missed out on a scoff, she says not but wot does she know, my tum tells me when I'm getting short rations. Now we woke up and looked at the time on the old dog and bone and it said 7.15, goodie thought I, but when we got downstairs and looked at the clock on the shelf it said 6.15 so that means the clock on the dog and bone didn't go back like wot it should have. Still, it beat not having to get up and start work. I'm liking this retirement. We had a nice snuggly siesta this afternoon. The page is loading up very quickly now so that means I don't have to twiddle my paws waiting. I'm not waiting until bedtime to go to bed seeing as how it would be an hour later than wot I'm used to going, I'm off earlier, got to make the most of the hour now. Take care and stay safe all, the weather is about to turn not very nice again. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. This page loaded better, but the newer one took ages again! What's going on?
    Loving the look of your new scoff bowl.
    Take care xxx
